October 2018

Hour 24 – 60 More Minutes… You Got This!

Hello Readathoners! This is Kate from Kate’s Book Nook and I’m here for the final 60 minutes! If you’re participating in BINGO on the Goodreads Group, this is your final chance to complete those last categories.

Can you believe we are in the final hour and every minute that goes by is one minute closer to being able to crawl into bed and surrender to sweet, sweet blissful sleep…

I have enjoyed spending these last several hours with you and getting the chance to get to know you all better. I so look forward to spending more time with you in the Spring (unless we get surprised with another Reverse Readathon…)

Closing Survey!

1. Which hour was most daunting for you?
2. Tell us ALLLLL the books you read!
3. Which books would you recommend to other Read-a-thoners?
4. What’s a really rad thing we could do during the next Read-a-thon that would make you happy?
5. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? Would you be interested in volunteering to help organize and prep?

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE here!

Check out the mini-challenges ANY TIME YOU WANT! 

Cheer your fellow readers!

Join our Goodreads or Facebook groups!

Tag your posts with #readathon on all your social channels!

October 2018

Hour 23 – Reading Challenges

Hello Readathoners! This is Kate from Kate’s Book Nook and I’m here for the final two hours!

Over the last year, my reading style has undergone a massive change. I used to read Young Adult exclusively. nothing else really appealed to me. But over the last year, everything changed. Now I can barely read Young Adult at all and I find myself reading mysteries a lot. I used to dislike Cozy Mysteries but now I can’t seem to read enough of them. I’ve gone through entire series!

I think that part of this is due to becoming obsessed with Reading Challenges. Now you might think, “Okay, so she is in a couple reading challenges…” but no, you would be wrong. I am in approximately 50 reading challenges. But this has been a good thing. I’ve read more books this year than I ever have before! I’m on track to reading 150 books this year and I’m contemplating upping my goal next year to 200.

In the past, I have hosted genre competitions during these final hours, but three hours wasn’t enough time to have enough rounds of voting. But still, I wonder if we were to have to Genre competition this year, would it still come down to YA vs Mystery? I am thinking of hosting the competition during the Spring Read-a-Thon.

So let me know down below… has your reading style changed? Do you participate in reading challenges (and if so, which ones)? Has your preferred genre changed? Please let me know!!!! Only 2 hours to go! You can do it!

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE here!

Check out the mini-challenges ANY TIME YOU WANT! 

Cheer your fellow readers!

Join our Goodreads or Facebook groups!

Tag your posts with #readathon on all your social channels!

October 2018

Hour 22 – Have You Updated Your BINGO Boards???

Hello Readathoners! This is Kate from Kate’s Book Nook, though you may know me more as the moderator of the Dewey’s Goodreads and Facebook Groups. I am a lover of cheese and German soccer (don’t talk to me about the World Cup!). I am a cross stitcher, knitter, crocheter, and quilter. I am a Happy Planner. And an audiobook consumer extraordinaire. What about you? How would you define yourself?

I am also the co-host that hosts these final dying hours of the Read-a-Thon. I cannot believe that it is the beginning of the end.

How has your readathon gone so far? Which hours have been the hardest? How many books have you read? Have you taken a nap? I think I feel asleep three times for an hour or two each time.

Were you aware that this year we are hosting a BINGO event on the Goodreads Group? With three hours remaining, there is still plenty of time to check in and see how many of the tasks you managed to complete and if you can manage to get a BINGO… or better yet, a BLACKOUT. I am a couple squares away from Blackout and I should be able to complete those easily enough in the next few hours.

Let me know in the comments how your doing and if there is anything I can do to help you stay awake. It’s only three more hours! You can do it!!!!

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE here!

Check out the mini-challenges ANY TIME YOU WANT! 

Cheer your fellow readers!

Join our Goodreads or Facebook groups!

Tag your posts with #readathon on all your social channels!

October 2018

Hour 21 – Juice up!

Welcome to hour 21!! Can you believe the end is near? Just four hours left to read. Time just flies by when you have your head in a book and are in great company!

How are your eyeballs feeling? Your body? Are you getting tired yet? Maybe now is the time to do some stretching.

If you don’t drink coffee and are out of caffeinated tea, go open your fridge and find some veggies. You can either make a delicious juice or eat them raw. One of my favorite juices are made from apples, beetroot and carrots. It ends up being a lovely red, almost purple, color. I usually spice it up with a touch of ginger.

If juices aren’t your thing, you can also make tasty smoothies or even a Bloody Mary (no judgement here!). Whatever suits you best.

Before I go, let’s all thank Heather and Andi for this amazing event. Thank you, you’re doing an amazing job year after year!
Alright, that’s me signing off for now. You can find me over on Twitter as well as on Instagram. Come say hi!

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE here!

Check out the mini-challenges ANY TIME YOU WANT! 

Cheer your fellow readers!

Join our Goodreads or Facebook groups!

Tag your posts with #readathon on all your social channels!

October 2018

Hour 20 – Where are you?

Hi there! It’s Irene from Boghunden. Welcome to hour 20!

If you’re in Canberra, you’re probably having dinner. If you’re in New Delhi, I bet you’re having lunch. And if you happen to find yourself in Reykjavik, you’re just waking up to have breakfast. Me? I’m in the Northern part of Denmark and have just had breakfast.

Wait! There’s more!
You might also be in Narnia or Neverland. Or how about Oz or Oompa-Loompa Land?

Where do you find yourself right now? What world (or time period) do you currently find yourself in? I’d love to know! (Please include title and author so I can check it out)

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE here!

Check out the mini-challenges ANY TIME YOU WANT! 

Cheer your fellow readers!

Join our Goodreads or Facebook groups!

Tag your posts with #readathon on all your social channels!

October 2018

Hour 19 – Separating the Readers from the Readathoners



My name is Courtney formerly of Stiletto Storytime but you can always catch me now on Twitter @StiletoStrytime. I’m a librarian who of course loves to talk all things books. I will be staying right here with you next hour of Readathon…I don’t  need to tell you this is where we start to separate the “readers” from the “readathoners”. I know you are feeling it but YOU GOT THIS! I remember the first year I read and stayed up the entire 24 hours…don’t ever let anyone tell you cannot have a “reading hangover”…but it was TOTALLY worth it. So come on we want to welcome you to the club. Don’t stop now!

We all love books..obviously or you would NOT be reading this 19 hours later but are there any book to movie productions you just absolutely CANNOT stand? That were a true travesty to the work? Any that you truly love with all your heart?

I can say I truly am and will always be totally in love with the original Anne of Green Gables series adaptations starring Megan Follows from when I was a child in 1985.

Image result for anne of green gables

And not much holds my Janeite Colin Firth loving heart like the1995 BBC mini-series adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. 

Image result for pride and prejudice 95

So let me know yours here and/or Twitter and as always just keep reading!!!

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE here!

Check out the mini-challenges ANY TIME YOU WANT! 

Cheer your fellow readers!

Join our Goodreads or Facebook groups!

Tag your posts with #readathon on all your social channels!

October 2018

Hour 18 – Boooooookkkkk!! It’s All Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocus


You did it! Can you believe it? You made it more than 75% of the way!! You have come so far but don’t stop now. My name is Courtney; I’m a librarian formerly blogging at Stiletto Storytime but you can catch me now on Twitter @StiletoStrytime. I will be hanging out with you for the next hour or so of Readathon. I know we are really pushing into the hard hours but I know you can hang and I will try to keep things fun.

One of the things I love about our Dewey’s October Readathon is the time of year and Halloween being just around the corner. We get to play with all that Hocus Pocus fun which the kid in me just adores. I have dressed up as a Sanderson sister a time or two…Sarah both times I must admit but we all know Winifred from Hocus Pocus who had her most precious book stolen and lost so I was wondering…do you have a favorite “booooookkkk” that you would would turn you into a “wicked witch” about if you lost or couldn’t find it?

Mine would absolutely be my copy of Pride and Prejudice that belonged to my Great Grandmother. She would always write her name and the year she read a book on the inside front cover and she just happened to read that copy in 1981 the year I was born. It’s truly a treasure to me and I would turn Salem upside down in search of it…rings of salt, smelly zombie ex-boyfriends and admittedly adorable black felines be darned.

So let me know yours here or on Twitter and keep reading!!!

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE here!

Check out the mini-challenges ANY TIME YOU WANT! 

Cheer your fellow readers!

Join our Goodreads or Facebook groups!

Tag your posts with #readathon on all your social channels!