October 2015

Hour 5 – Library Living


Hey guys! You are doing great as we all head into Hour 5 and the Twitter as usual is on fire! Stick with it peeps I know you can make it. Currently I am at home with a cuppa and making plans to stick an audio book on so I can run errands and come back and clean the house. If you are on the move how are you making a dent in your stack?

Whilst having a mooch on the internet I was thinking about you guys and if you were not reading at home where would you be? The one place in mind that really stuck out was your local library. As many a bibliophile will probably admit the library can be a sanctuary for peace, quiet and an overall sanctuary surrounded by items that you truly love.

Personally my library is quite unappealing as it is part of a local council building and each time I walk past seems to have less and less books in it. This got me to thinking about travel – on my travel I have found a lot of independent book shops which usually means that clothes get left behind in the effort to fit in those books that I just could not leave behind or I end up paying for extra baggage!

One thing that I have never really considered is visiting libraries whilst travelling, not so much for the borrowing aspect but just to see how libraries elsewhere are holding up. Back to my mooch! I found a list of libraries that are apparently must sees and whittled it down to my 5 favourites as we are in Hour 5 to share with you lovelies.

Have a look a let me know what you think or if you have been to any of them …

The George Peabody Library,
Baltimore, Maryland

New York Public Library Reading Room
, New York

The British Museum Reading Room, London

The Bodleian Library
A small part of The Bodleian Library, Oxford, England

The Strahov Library, Prague

Beautiful aren’t they!

If the links below don’t work immediately, forgive us! Sometimes the permalinks we receive expire or need updating at the last moment. We’re on it! 


Still Going

Prize Winners


Now you can celebrate the Readathon year-round with Dewey’s swag! We use the earnings to cover charges associated with prize shipping, customs charges, and domain costs. 

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE!

Enter the READING RAINBOW mini-challenge all day long!


26 thoughts on “Hour 5 – Library Living”

  1. Oh my word…beautiful indeed! Never been to any of them, but I can imagine oh yes I can! Thanks for sharing and go go go with that audio book. What a great idea!


  2. I have not been to any of those libraries but they look amazing and beautiful! Our local library was recently remodeled and I don’t like it—very modern and cold feeling with tons of space delegated to public computers…the children’s section is extremely disappointing. I think I might go out to a coffee shop to read, later.


    1. That’s such a shame – there is so much more emphasis on the use of computers in libraries now and the books are dying out – so very sad 😦


  3. Pretty libraries! I’m usually seeking out bookstores when I travel, but the last time I headed up to Boston I stopped in at the Boston Public Library. It was well worth the trip! =D


    1. I looked at that but the pictures that came up look exactly the same as the Bodleian – I will have to make a visit to both before posting again!


  4. Lovely libraries, I have such a love for looking at beautiful libraries and want to one day go on a trip just to visit a bunch at once. I’m a librarian, and I can say that sadly, my library isn’t very quiet, only in the mornings. We have lots of kiddos in and out, and while it’s great that they want to come in and visit, it makes for not a great reading space in the afternoon!


    1. That’s so cool! Is your library beautiful too? Sorry to hear it is a little too loud 🙂 but like you said at least they are visiting!


  5. I haven’t been to any of those, but I do have a growing collection of library cards from places I have lived and or visited long enough to visit a library.

    Unfortunately there is no library where I currently live. Yay for ebooks and borrowing virtually from some of those library cards in my collection.


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