April 2020, readathon

Hour 17 – Let’s see those reading buddies

Hello, it’s Kristen still! I know it’s later for those of us in the states, but maybe your pets are night owls. Mine are not, they turn into pumpkins at 7 or 8 pm every night and pass out until morning. They like their 10-11 straight hours of sleep each night.

Maybe you don’t have a pet? It’s okay. You can share what kind of pet you’d like if you could have one! I’ll be over on twitter asking for all the pictures I’m sure as well, but put them up here too! 🙂

Here are my two: Zeus helping me read and Calli snuggling close. They’re both rescue pups and I love them both.

I honestly feel like these two rescued me, I am not sure what I’d do without them.

If your pets are up, another trick to stay up is to play a quick game with them to get yourself up and moving or take a quick walk, even if it’s late at night.

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE here!

Check out the mini-challenges ANY TIME YOU WANT! 

Cheer your fellow readers!

Join our Goodreads or Facebook groups!

Watch for posts and stories on our Instagram!

Tag your posts with #readathon on all your social channels

October 2019, readathon

Hour 17 – Books For Your Ears

Hey there, how is it going? This Janani from The Shrinkette, taking you through the next few hours of the ‘thon. It’s about 11 PM Central, and we’re 17 hours into this shindig. Hope everyone that’s awake took a few minutes to move and stretch in the last hour!

Let’s talk audiobooks friends. First things first, all books are “real”, yes, including audiobooks. Now that’s out of the way, can we talk about how great they are? They’re great for my long daily commutes to-and-back-from work, keep me company when I’m doing chores around the house, and are especially handy when I’m doing a readathon and need to rest my eyes for a bit.

Added bonus: Ignoring everybody.

I particularly enjoy listening to nonfiction on audio, BUT today I’ve got an exciting mix of fiction and nonfiction to choose from: Becoming by Michelle Obama, Things That Make White People Uncomfortable by Michael Bennett, Things You Save In A Fire by Katherine Center, The Dutch House by Ann Patchett, to name a few. Hopefully, I get to listen to at least one of them over the course of the day.

So fellow audiobook readers, let me know in the comments if you’re listening to anything good. Remember, all reading formats are valid, so do whatever works for you. I’ll be around for the next couple hours on here, you can also find me on Twitter, Instagram, and Litsy doing what I do best—yelling about books.

Happy reading!

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE here!

Check out the mini-challenges ANY TIME YOU WANT! 

Cheer your fellow readers!

Join our Goodreads or Facebook groups!

Watch for posts and stories on our Instagram!

Tag your posts with #readathon on all your social channels!

October 2018

Hour 17 – it’s Sunday somewhere

Hey there,

Me again! Juli. So, it’s just about to switch over to Sunday for me. In the fall, I spent most of my Sundays watching football and enjoying the crisp, cold air. I do, however, like to start my day with a nice cup of coffee and a good book, especially one that fits the autumn mood.

How awesome would that reading spot be?!

Today will probably be a little different though as I tend to just continue reading through Sunday after a readathon. I usually start a second long novel in the early wee hours and I can’t just put that down and not finish! How will you be spending your Sunday? Is Dewey’s readathon in your timezone taking up a lot of your Sunday already? Do you continue with your books you started during the readathon? Do you switch it up and not read at all? Tell me about it in the comments! Bonus points for mentioning fun book-related fall activities! I’m always open to trying something new and different.



P.S.: If you want to chat more, find me @evilbibliotaph on twitter or on my blog.

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE here!

Check out the mini-challenges ANY TIME YOU WANT! 

Cheer your fellow readers!

Join our Goodreads or Facebook groups!

Tag your posts with #readathon on all your social channels!

April 2018

Hour 17 – Energy Drinks and GIFS!

Woo! We’re getting so close to that finish line! How’s everyone doing? Still having a good read? Having fun chats with other readers? Who else has been on a caffeine binge? Can you tell I’ve just had an energy drink? ^_^

So, I’m a fan of some YouTube gamers and one of their games posed the problem of getting to live in the fantasy world of your choice, but you’d have to be a villain! Would it be worth it? It got me thinking about the various worlds I’ve read and which ones I’d be okay with being a villain in. To be honest, I’m not sure there are any! Then again, the question never said anything about being the kind of villain who got caught. You could even just be the kind of “villain” who actually pushes the protagonist into becoming the hero!

I’m of a mixed mind about it. Would you make the choice to live in the realm of your choice, but as the villain? Would it be worth it? What loopholes can you think of to make it more of a Wreck-It-Ralph kind of scenario?

I understand if that’s a bit too much to think about right now. It’s late and we’ve got more reading, cheering and chatting to do! Speaking of which, YOU’RE DOING A GREAT JOB! WHOOO! Keep it up!!

Participate in our Mini-Challenges ANY TIME! They are located HERE, and they are all open for the entire 24 hours of the event! 

If you see your name announced as an hourly prize winner, visit the PRIZES page to claim.

Enter your finished books into the 1 MILLION PAGES DATABASE!

October 2017

Hour 17 – In Translation

Julianne again and it’s Hour 17! My last one with you sweet angels before I will probably fall asleep. Thank you so much for having me and for hanging out with me on the official Readathon Twitter! We’ve got another hour left together, so let’s make the most of it!!

Anyway, back to Having It AllTM, another thing that I personally struggle with during Readathon is the oppressive guilt I feel when I don’t do things I feel like I “should” be doing. Most people are able to let go for special occasions like Readathon at the very least, but that’s something my therapist and I are still working on!!


SO I’m here to talk to you about a way that I have fun mixing it up during Readathon and feeling productive while doing so: reading books in a different language. I’ve been studying Japanese for a while now and after going to Japan I only want to get better at it. I take time to do flash cards, study kanji, and watch/listen to/read Japanese at least for a little every day. So, of course, I’d like to continue that if at all possible. I find it incredibly fun to read a book in a different language (if you’re not fluent in that language especially) because it is a completely different experience from normal reading. It’s a lot more like solving a puzzle and there is some SERIOUSLY STIMULATING brain rewardage going on when you figure out difficult sentences. And, let’s be honest, after this many hours of reading we could use some stimulation.

Don’t know any other languages and not interested in checking out some kids books to learn at the moment? So fair. I do highly suggest you check out some books in translation, though! It can be stimulating to read something unlike what you normally read if you generally just check out books from your home country or other countries that speak the same language as you.

What are your favorite books in translation? Are you using books to learn another language? Now that I think of it, I guess reading a textbook would count too, but as long as you are ACTUALLY HAVING FUN. Again, that’s the point (I’ve heard).

If you want to be friends, don’t be afraid to reach out! I blog at Outlandish Lit and you can find me on Instagram and Twitter as well. Thanks again!


Time Flies

Books and Pets

10 Years in 10 Books

Prize Winners

Erin J

Anita Loves Books

If you see your name announced as an hourly prize winner, visit the PRIZES page to claim.

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE!

April 2017

Hour 17 – Teach Me How to Dougie

Still Allison here from The Book Wheel (I know, I know, but you know you love me!). But really – just kidding – I don’t really want to learn how to Dougie. But what I DO want to know is how you keep yourself energized and going as we head into Hour 17. Personally, I’m a fan of dance parties with my dogs (absolutely no other humans allowed) and boatloads of coffee. This Readathon was easier than some because we got nearly a foot of snow today, so a quick trip outside for a minute is what we can call refreshingly awakening.

So, aside from caffeine, how do you stay energized? How do you get over the hump? 

P.S. If you don’t have a routine and need some inspiration, check out last hour’s mini-challenge on Instagram with #IGReadathon or this hour’s mini-challenge below!



#Fitreaders Do 24

Still Going

Game On! 

Books and Beverages


This season we’re putting an emphasis on spreading bookish good deeds! See our GIVE! page for more details about how you can get involved! 

Now you can celebrate the Readathon year-round with Dewey’s swag! We use the earnings to cover charges associated with prize shipping, customs charges, and domain costs. 

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE!

October 2016

Hour 17 – Let’s Get Weird


Hi again, it’s Julianne back for Hour 17 – my last hour co-hosting! We had a moment of relaxation last hour, but now it’s time to ramp it up and get real weird. Regardless of your preferences, reading outside of your box is an amazing way to jump start your reading-love. If you’re feeling a little tired out and you’re kind of going through the motions of reading but not really absorbing anything anymore, it might be time to stray from your reading plan and grab something weird. Reading a book in an experimental format or in a created dialect is the perfect way to shock your system and excite your brain into focusing on reading again. Or, really, any book that makes you audibly say “WTF?!” (And if you’re not at the point of talking to yourself by Hour 17, you’re really not doing readathon right.)

Need any strange book recommendations? Or too tired to pick between a number of weird books you have on your shelves that you don’t really know much about? Throw me a tweet at @readathon – I’d love to chat. Don’t forget – read what’s weird to you! If you just read literary fiction and hobbits are weird to you, it might be time to curl up with my boy Samwise Gamgee (the true hero of the story, let’s be real). And if you need more suggestions to perk up your reading, check out my Gamify Your Readathon post from earlier this week! Tell me what weird reading you’re going to try out in the comments.

Good luck, book babes! We’ve got this.


Beverage and a Book

Frightful Reads

#FitReaders 5 Minute Get Up and Move!

Prize Winners


The Purple Sponge


Now you can celebrate the Readathon year-round with Dewey’s swag! We use the earnings to cover charges associated with prize shipping, customs charges, and domain costs. 

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE!

April 2016

Hour 17 – Just keep reading reading reading

Dana back with you again for hour #17! How’s it going? It’s midnight here in Florida and I’m so enjoying our time together. In preparing for the day I set aside books from both my own shelves and also made a trip to the library. So tell me…did you hit up your own stacks or go to the library for your read a thon books?




Diversity Shelfie

Still Going

They Said What?


Prize Winners


Kocik Challenge

Roof Beam Reader


Now you can celebrate the Readathon year-round with Dewey’s swag! We use the earnings to cover charges associated with prize shipping, customs charges, and domain costs. 

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE!

October 2015

Hour 17 – And the beat goes on…

Dana back with you for hour 17! We’re way close to the finish now. How are you doing out there?

My day has been a bit hectic but I’ve been reading as much as I can. That’s one of the reasons that Dewey’s is my favorite bookish event…you can do whatever you are able to do. Another thing I love? My pretend boyfriend, Four, aka Theo James. So I leave you with a bit of a pick me up for your tired eyes….

follow me

Happy reading, ya’ll!

If the links below don’t work immediately, forgive us! Sometimes the permalinks we receive expire or need updating at the last moment. We’re on it! 


Still Going

Prize Winners


Now you can celebrate the Readathon year-round with Dewey’s swag! We use the earnings to cover charges associated with prize shipping, customs charges, and domain costs. 

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE!

Enter the READING RAINBOW mini-challenge all day long!


April 2015, readathon

Hour 17 – Feeling Fueled


Okay, Readathoners, this is Shannon from River City Reading here for my final hour! I know there are sensible people out there telling you not to snack late at night, but I’m here to tell you that fuel can be a good thing. Sloths know what’s best for you!

How’s your snack situation? Are you running on coffee and coffee only or have you fueled up on some delicious eats?


Goodreads Battle of the Books! 

Still Going

Prize Winners


Now you can celebrate the Readathon year-round with Dewey’s swag! We use the earnings to cover charges associated with prize shipping, customs charges, and domain costs. 

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE!