April 2020, readathon

Hour 23 – What motivates you to read?

Hi Everyone! My name is Gabby! I’ve been helping Kate co-moderate the Dewey’s Goodreads page for the past few years. You can find me on my youtube channel. I’m also on twitter and instagram.

With only two hours left of Dewey’s I’m sure we’ve all lost motivation to read. It’s been a long 22 hours and many of us are sleeping at this time. With 2 hours left, let’s try to muster the energy and pick up a book. What motivates you to read?

If I’m reading for leisure, I make sure to read something I know will grab my attention. Harry Potter is always a great choice. I have a tradition that I always read Harry Potter Illustrated Editions during Dewey’s. It gives me that push to start the readathon at 7am or helps me if I’m starting to feel a reading slump coming on. I also make sure to read something that excites me. I’m currently reading Crescent City by Sarah J. Maas and I’m finding it hard to set the book down. Knowing that I get to pick up a book that is action packed, fast paced, and with a great plot always motivates me to read more.

On the other hand, if I’m reading something less exciting for work (or when I was in school haha) I always have something comforting to drink while I read. Usually, a fancy iced coffee or tea. Plus I make sure to have different colored highlighters to annotate important information.

Share what motivates you to read with only 2 hours left of Dewey’s!

Enter your finished books into the DATABASE here!

Check out the mini-challenges ANY TIME YOU WANT! 

Cheer your fellow readers!

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7 thoughts on “Hour 23 – What motivates you to read?”

  1. When I became a book reviewer and learned what the publishing industry was like. I learned that I love the beach reads season because I am an escapist reader. I like to escape to different locales or periods in history.


  2. It’s really hard when you need to read something that you are required to, like in school or uni. I definitely need a reading playlist from Spotify (piano music) for that. But in general? It’s nice to listen to some music if I feel like it, other times I love the quietness. And during this readathon I’ve been using a virtual fireplace from Netflix! Perfect for the evening!


  3. Pretty sure I am motivated by sheer stubbornness and spite. If I set a goal- like completing a 24 hr readathon- I will not stop until it’s achieved. Same goes for completing puzzles, playing video games, and meeting work deadlines.


  4. What motivates me to read? I read a lot during work, which means I usually avoid non-fiction like the plague. It feels too much like work. I am trying to get better about that.

    So traditionally I read for entertainment. Pure escapism, boldly going to places nobody has gone before. Well, no, I actually prefer to go together with others, therefore I have been very active on Goodreads for many years. There was a slump a few years back, but I rekindled my love of reading SF and found a great group on GR of likeminded people.


  5. My parents could only buy me a few books when I was a kid , and not being able to keep borrowed library books was a drag . So I’m having a grand time as an adult with a budget to buy whatever book I want . . . I use the READATHON as a chance ( i.e. motivation ) to go through my stack of owned treasures at a faster pace for 24 hours . And it’s fun ! Like a reading festival .
    My thanks to it’s creators


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